Saturday, June 21, 2008

Secular Homeschooling

Freethinkers include Atheist homeschoolers, , Agnostic homeschoolers, Bright homeschoolers, Humanist homeschoolers, Unitarian Universalist homeschoolers, and other secular homeschoolers who don't fit into a religious mold.

Generally, non-religious people choose to homeschool because of lack of confidence in the educational system, a child's special needs, or because they want to share the child's life and let her grow in freedom. There are a lot of unschoolers and semi-unschoolers in this group.

Here are a few choice resources to assist those who want to learn in freedom. More to come as they appear!


Downing Family Homeschool Page

The Natural Child Project

Radical Unschooling

National Home Education Network

Butch's Secular Homeschooling Blog

Growing Without Schooling

Boards and Lists

VegSource Secular Homeschool Board

Homeschool Atheists

Freethinking Unschoolers

Free-Thinking Home-Educating Families

Rose Rock Global Homeschool Network


Secular homeschool support


Sonlight Secular

Clonlara School


Atrium School

Huge list of secular curriculum publishers

Core Knowledge and Homeschool

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